1. For General Content

Unless stated otherwise, Design is my Demon blog content (excerpts and images) may be distributed (shared or reblogged)  under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) license.

1.1. Attribution and Permission
Lawrence Antaran as creator of the content will be attributed and the blog post will be linked back.  For printed materials, physical display, non-online usages and redistribution of entire posts kindly request for permission via email (lawrencevon@gmail.com).

If Lawrence Antaran is not the sole creator/ part of a creative team of a featured work, kindly credit the entire team as listed in the blog post.

1.2. Non-commercial Use
Content may not be distributed for commercial purposes.

1.3. No Derivative Works Content, particularly images should in no way be altered (e.g., cropped, recolored, etc.).

 In addition, please do not misrepresent featured works such as composing them with offensive (e.g., racial, pornographic, etc.) material.

 For more information about Creative Commons, click here.

2. For Free Resources

Content classified as "free resources" in particular blog posts may be distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) license.

2.1. Attribution
Attribution and link-backs are not necessary but will be highly appreciated.  Also, these free resources may not be redistributed and attributed as your own.

 2.2. Limited Commercial Use The free resources may be distributed for non-commercial and limited commercial use, i.e. they may be used for income-generating materials (e.g., print ads, product packaging) but may not be sold as files, individually or with other resources.


Copyright of commissioned works featured in this blog remain with their respective clients.  Lawrence Antaran as creator or part of the creative team retains moral rights of these works and reserves all rights for personal/ non-commissioned works.